Success Story: Lets You Capture High Resolution Screenshots in Bulk Success Story Success Story

Screenshot, also known as screen capture or screen grab are quite essential for most of us at many times. Screenshots are used for many purposes like clarifying a point, for collaboration and are even used as evidence in legal proceedings. There are many students and professionals, who require to take bulk screenshots for various projects, and to make these screenshots look professional, editing is required to remove the browser tool bars, status bars etc. This indeed is a mundane task. But the good news is that the task of taking screenshots and editing them is now just a matter of few clicks with the emergence of Screenshot API Services. Talking of the best Screenshot API  services, one of the top listed among them is Founded in 2019, this Amsterdam based startup is fast gaining popularity in its niche! We interviewed Dirk Hoekstra, the founder of, to get more details about the startup. - Company Highlights

  • Startup
  • Headquarter-Amsterdam
  • Founder-Dirk Hoekstra
  • Sector-SaaS
  • Founded-2019

About allows users to take quality screenshots of websites for various purposes. There are people who take automated screenshots of stock graphs. Others capture screenshots of news articles to show it on their website, while some take screenshots of e-commerce products. makes capturing and editing of screenshots easy for all of them.

When we take screenshots manually, we have to open the page of which we want a screenshot in the browser, then take the screenshot of the full page and edit the same through applications like Photoshop etc, in order to remove the unnecessary elements of the screenshot like the tool bar, status bar, ads appearing on the page etc. Through, you just need to enter the URL of the page of which you require a screenshot, customize the screenshot on the basis of the options available and your screenshots are generated in a jiffy!

"I believe that the best way to start a business is to be extremely good at one thing. In this case: taking pixel-perfect screenshots of websites. This way users don’t have to set up a screenshot infrastructure themselves" says founder Dirk Hoekstra

USP of include -

Users can choose the screenshot dimension. One can either take the screenshot of the full website or that of a specific component or only the default viewport uses Chrome instances to render web pages to ensure that the users get pixel perfect screenshots.

Users can either download the screenshots or can opt to host them on servers, that run on Google Cloud. - Founder

Dirk Hoekstra is the founder and the one man army behind running, and the process of managing all alone has been quite challenging yet a great experience for Dirk.

"I’m currently a one-man team which is quite hard. I have to do everything from programming to marketing. But, in the end, I learn a lot from wearing all these different hats" Dirk quotes

The Idea Behind Starting founder Dirk Hoekstra was doing a project where he needed screenshots of 1,000 websites. While searching for good screenshot API, Dirk saw that though there were options available, there are many  screenshot APIs that provided low quality screenshots,while the rest were expensive. Dirk felt that he could offer better solutions than the ones available in the market and he decided to build a screenshot API himself. was founded in 2019.

As Dirk puts in, he received mixed responses from developers regarding the product.

"I pitched it to a few developers I knew and the responses varied a lot. Some of them were confused that there was a market for screenshots (trust me there is!). And others where quite enthusiastic, especially when we started to get the first paying customers"  Dirk Hoekstra says - Business Model & Revenue Model runs on a SaaS (Software as a Service) model. There is a free plan with 100 screenshots per month, and there are paid plans that offer more features. - Marketing Strategy

For marketing Dirk initially relied heavily on Google Ads, and the startup received its first customers through Google Ads. Currently however, Dirk is focusing more on organic visibility of the site. The startup is also receiving a decent number of users through referral links. - Challenges

Being the sole founder and the sole person running the startup, staying motivated is quite tough at times.

"Building a website like this is not a sprint. It is a marathon. It requires a huge amount of consistent work and effort. Sometimes, after a bad week I struggle to find motivation to continue, and I feel that the biggest challenge is to continue on in those times." Dirk quotes emphasizing the challenges he faces.

Also Read: The Important Entrepreneurial Lessons That Colleges never Teach - Growth & Future Plans

Currently, ScreenshotAPI has a small part of the market. There are 1,000 customers of which 30 are on a paid plan. Dirk Hoekstra is now working on SEO of the site and aims to make it to the top of the Google SERP which will surely help the company to attract more users