Fyseko Success Story
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Caring for our skin is one of the easiest ways to ensure long-term skin health and radiance, and adding a pinch of natural skincare in our daily routine acts as a catalyst. Natural and organic skincare products combine essential vitamins, botanicals, and minerals that heal and restore our skin—without harming our earth. FYSEKO is one such natural skincare brand that is dedicated to redefining the beauty industry standards for products that are not only good for us but also good for our planet.
Fyseko- Company Highlights
- Company Name-FYSEKO
- Headquarter-Mumbai
- Founder-Hema Panjavani
- Founded-January 2019
- Sector-Beauty
- Website-fyseko.com
Fyseko - About
The name FYSEKO is inspired by the Greek word FYSEKO which means Natural. The team is a bunch of natural skincare enthusiasts inspired to create a holistic skincare solution. Their formulators are professionally trained from international institutes to develop effective skincare products. The brand pays utmost care in ensuring that their formulation has maximum possible natural raw material ingredients and are sourced from genuine suppliers across the supply chain.
Fyseko is committed to providing its customers with Holistic, Affordable, and Genuine products. Their objective is to develop natural skincare products using ancient old Ayurveda with modern science and technology. Fyseko as a company is focused on limited but most important products required in the daily skincare routine. All of their products are AYUSH certified and manufactured in a GMP certified manufacturing facility. None of Fyseko’s products contain SLS and Paraben.
FYSEKO love and respect animals and never test any of their products on them. Also, they never use artificial colors and fragrances in any of their products hence; all that beautiful look and smell is 100% natural.
Fyseko - Founder
Hema Panjavani is the Founder of Fyseko. Hema Panjavani
Hema was a banker earlier and a full-time homemaker before founding FYSEKO. She is an avid advocate of going natural in lifestyle. The company is bootstrapped and is funded by herself and her family. She is a commerce graduate from Saurashtra University.
How was Fyseko Founded
The beauty industry in the country has a plethora of skincare products claiming to be natural, organic and most of them are priced on a relatively higher side. Although those products must have their benefits, they aren’t necessarily accessible to all individuals due to their luxury pricing, appeal to affluent customers, and recurring expenses in nature. The need to provide authentic natural skin care that performs well, at affordable rates was Hema’s main focus, which she executed first at a personal level and took it up a notch by laying the foundation for Fyseko.
A face wash typically leaves the skin feeling dry and dull after use, which makes the skin produce extra oils to combat dryness. To tackle that, Hema first created her own homemade face wash in 2017 by using a combination of natural herbs like sweet basil, peppermint, calendula flower and a few more functional ingredients. Once that worked, then she created a variety of products such as toners, moisturizers, lip balm and scrubs, all made with natural ingredients and with the focus on being gentle on skin.
With an accommodating home lab full of natural ingredients to experiment and formulate products for her personal use, Hema began giving these products to friends and family for use too. With their rave reviews and encouragement, Hema was inspired to scale up the business and launch their own personal care brand Fyseko.
Fyseko - Name, Logo and Tagline
Fyseko (pronounced as FISIKO) derived from Greek word Fysikos meaning natural. Hema set up the brand in January of 2019 to cater to the masses, but the products have been around since 2017.
Fyseko - Vision and Mission
The challenging lifestyle, increasing pollution, and high level of stress impacts not only mentally but also has a tremendous impact on our skin, body, and hair. The impact becomes visible with growing age. While there are a plethora of personal care products available in the market, it is imperative to pick the product which provides natural care, easy to use, and doesn’t impact the environment.
Their vision is to inspire and promote natural skincare. Fyseko’s principles and objectives are to bring Holistic, Affordable, and Genuine skincare with all-natural ingredients.
Fyseko - Products/ Services
Along with her partners, Hema has been studying and researching natural skincare to develop holistic and innovative products to add to their brand. Not just natural skincare, Fyseko is also focusing on social benefit and sustainability. The brand ensures the utmost use of solely natural ingredients, sustainable packaging, and manufacturing focused on people's employment. The paper used for packaging is made entirely from waste; the printing of the packing box is handmade with a screen printing method that generates more employment as compared to digital printing and the manufacturing and packing of the products are done in an SME set-up with the least usage of machines.
FYSEKO Products
Fyseko is also working with its selling partners to ensure the selling and distribution is done through a subscription model which enables them to ship the products in a more sustainable manner with the least carbon emissions. All of their marketing material is distributed in a digital format only to ensure zero paper use.
The products are manufactured in a GMP certified facility and are all Ayush certified. The brand also doesn’t use SLS, Paraben, artificial color, and fragrances in addition to them condemning testing on animals. The future of Fyseko holds the launch of many exciting products after the brand is absolutely certain that these additions to the line comply with their brand principles of holistic, affordable, and genuine skincare.
Fyseko has recently been selected in the Amazon Launchpad program, which will help in accelerating brand building and visibility with the help of a structured approach and insights from Amazon.
Fyseko - Business and Revenue Model
The Fyseko business model has a lean business and operating model to avoid incurring unrequired expenses. Currently, they sell their products through Amazon and Flipkart only. The entire logistics and distribution are managed by the selling platforms. Fyseko’s sourcing, quality assurance, manufacturing, and marketing are managed by their strategic business partners who know their job well and can perform at the operations in the shared service model. This helps in keeping the costs in check and ensure their all-natural products available at affordable rates.
Fyseko’s products prices range from INR 200 to 500, and Hema assures that there is no other brand offering their level of quality natural products at such competitive prices.
Fyseko - Startup Launch
It took a good 3 years to research, experiment, prepare, and launch the products and brand in the market. Ms. Panjavani believes that planning is very critical but it is even more important to vary of the fact that not everything can be planned. Their strategy is to start modest, learn, adopt, and then go big.
The biggest challenge was to find suppliers and partners who would listen and believe in the vision. Minimum order quantities (MOQ) for most of the companies are extremely high and that would typically require a large customer base. The team’s persistence and focus combined with luck got them to meet their suppliers and partners who agreed to work with them. They have committed themselves to stick with them as Fyseko grows.
From the user’s perspective, Fyseko’s first users were friends and family followed by beauty experts and bloggers. This group helped them experiment and modify their products before they were all set to launch their brand in 2019. They managed to get a good 20-25 orders in the first month and then the team was hit with COVID-19 in April, and that brought the sale down to almost zero due to lockdown. As the market opened up in June, Fyseko witnessed good traction and a jump in their sale. The real proof of customer satisfaction is through repeat purchase and they have seen almost 10-15% of Fyseko’s sale coming from the existing customer base. Fyseko is still taking baby steps but has an ambitious target to reach INR 10 crores of turnover by the end of 2021.
Fyseko - Challenges
Typically, the natural ingredients are expensive compared to synthetic chemicals and the cost further goes up due to the smaller scale of operation. Fyseko works very closely with its suppliers and manufacturing partner to get the best price of the raw material without compromising the freshness and quality. Fyseko sells them their vision and attempts to provide the right products at the right price and buy their support. The other challenge is that the company get their products and packing material manufactured in a labor-intensive set-up where there is minimal automation. This contributes to the social cause of generating employment however the cost of manual operation is almost 30-40% more expensive than automated set-up. The paper used for the packing material is made from textile and crop waste which cost higher compared to regular paper.
While these costs are high, Fyseko still attempts every day to provide better quality products and keep their prices low. This obviously means that they run on almost negative margins at the moment and hope to go profitable once they achieve the scale and large consumer base.
Fyseko - Advisors and Mentors
Any company cannot be expert in all the areas and so, having a mentor for Fyseko was very important.
Dr.V.Suguna -She has extensive knowledge in Botany, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Genetics. Dr. Suguna holds a doctorate in Genetics and held different level scientist position over the last 15 years.
Fyseko - Recognitions and Achievements
Fyseko’s moisturizer has consistently ranked in Top 10 natural moisturizers in India by bestreviewsguide.
Fyseko’s face wash is ranked in Top 15 best Men’s face wash for dry skin in India by FtaFit
Fyseko - Future Plans
Keeping their products affordable with genuine natural ingredients is Fyseko’s brand principle, and they abide by that in every decision they make. All elements of their business have a higher cost base as compared to typical personal care products available in the market. Fresh and natural ingredients, the recycled paper used in their packing, manual manufacturing, and box printing process cost much more than regular products.
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs
What is Fyseko?
Fyseko is a natural skincare brand that is dedicated to redefining the beauty industry standards for products that are not only good for us but also good for our planet.
Is Fyseko Indian brand?
Yes, Fyseko is an Indian brand headquartered in Mumbai.
Who is the owner of Fyseko?
Hema Panjavani is the Founder of Fyseko.