Taski Success Story
Read this article to know about Taski, products, founder, business model, startup launch, challenges and future plans.
Taski – Company Highlights
- Startup Name-Taski
- Headquarter-Bengaluru, India
- Sector-Productivity, SaaS
- Founder-Mohit Khare
- Founded-2020
- Website-usetaski.com
Taski – Target Market Size
Taski works in the productivity domain. The market is growing highly as more and more people get on internet and want to sort their busy lives.
Some research shows that every person takes around 70 important decisions and over 35,000 simple decisions daily. Surely, this domain is going to expand much more in coming years with daily increasing internet users.
How was Taski Started?
Taski originated from a simple problem. We all make decisions! Sometimes it’s as simple as tea vs coffee and can be as complex as deciding new product features.
Taski founder Mohit personally faced a lot of problems in making decisions on which framework to choose, which companies to apply to, and which features to build first for his ideas. He did some research and read some brilliant articles on taking decisions.
After browsing through multiple articles, he found there are so many frameworks that work perfectly in certain scenarios like SWOT and Eisenhower Matrix.
Taski SWOT Analysis
Unfortunately, there are no proper tools for people to use frameworks to make decisions. Mohit Khare did some research and asked around many product managers on how they make decisions. Many did use such frameworks, but mostly on excel or on paper, which is not the best solution. He even got a very good response and interest in the idea of improving decision making.
Taski Ikigai
Finally, he decided to build something clean and simple which almost anyone can use across any platform (web/mobile). Mohit’s idea for the MVP was to keep it as simple and intuitive as possible, give users a way to make and share their decisions.
Taski – Product/Services
Taski is a simple responsive web app which works both on mobile and web platform. As you go to usetaski.com, you see a set of tools to make your decisions. Head over to the “how it works” page to learn more about each of the available frameworks. Suppose you start with the SWOT framework, you see a list of predefined sections where you can add your tasks, you also have the option to mark them as done, Ability to delete the task and easy task addition with just enter key.
Taski website snapshot
Taski website snapshotTaski also provides an option to share your decisions and research in multiple formats like Image, PDF, Markdown, and Document.
Founders of Taski and team
Mohit Khare is the founder and maker of Taski.
He is currently focusing on building core features of Taski. Although a lot of people have reached out to collaborate, he will be focusing on expanding team as the platform gets more users.
Relevant read: List Of The Best Calendar Apps to Stay Organized in 2020
Taski – Name, Tagline, and Logo
Since the product was focused around increasing productivity with decision making and at its core, it uses the task model, Taski came up as a short and subtle name for the product. Most importantly, Mohit could find a good domain for this.
The logo again is highly inspired by the task and checklist model. Since essentially Taski uses a checklist to get work done, the logo signifies that with 2 symbolic checkmarks.
Taski – Business Model and Revenue Model
Currently, Taski is free for everyone. The founder initially wanted to see how people respond to it. There have been multiple feature requests, some of which will come up with a pro plan where you can save your decision in a personalized dashboard and have access to many other frameworks. Stay tuned, a lot of features are already in development.
The plan is to go with the Freemium business model, core features of Taski will remain free for use but you wouldn’t want to miss out on the Pro version. You will see the pricing and details around it soon.
Taski – Startup Launch
Taski has got over 10K page views in its first week and over 3000 users have already tried the platform. Right now, the only platform Mohit used for marketing was social media like Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, and product launch sites like Product Hunt, Betalist, etc.
Taski – Startup Challenges
One of the challenges was actually figuring out which frameworks and decision tools people actually use and how do they use it right now. You need to find the problem before building a solution. There were minor tech blockers as well but that is always there and you get past them eventually.
Taski – Future Plans
Future plans include launching a personalized dashboard for users for easy management. They also have a plan for launching a team-based version for Taski.